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Showing posts from September, 2015

Is it too late to make money, have I missed my chance?

There will always be an opportunity to make money on line, as long as you provide something that someone needs or wants. The key is matching a passion you have to a need or want someone else has. It's easy to build a website, so many are free and have templates for design.  You can create facebook pages, twitter pages, blogs and a host of other venues to share your passion. So what is the first thing you can and should do? Find your passion.  Imagine you had all the money you ever would need.  In fact, imagine you have a garden full of money trees and bushes.  You have a $5.00 bush, $100.00 tree, $1000.00 tree, $10.00 bushes, etc.  When ever you had a need, you just went out and picked what you needed.  Now, knowing money wouldn't be the inspiration, think about what it is you would do.  Would you cook, would you learn a new skill, would you paint, what would you do? This is your passion.  I like to teach, I love the idea of ...