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Showing posts from 2017

Money, it's where you sit, part 2, action step

With each post on this series, I will include a part 2 that has some or several steps to take or an action for you to do before moving on.  Of course you may read the posts after it's over or in the middle but hopefully you read them in order. You can agree or not that money is based in part, a large part on belief and this will very likely determine if you can improve your financial situation or not. What I suggest is unless you are happy in your life, achieving your goals, comfortable financially and have no need to improve any area than don't bother with this.  I love the quote "If it aint broke, don't fix it".  On the other hand if you are reading this now, chances are there is at least one area you wish was different and probably at least one area, if you have a few and are like most people, money is one of those. Before I continue it's important to understand that life never becomes a downhill ride all the time.  Being happy, fulfilled and financial...

Money, live in poverty or with millions. It's all about where you sit.

Yes, okay so it's been a while since I wrote but during this time I have put into place a lot of methods and ways of making money.  I have analyzed and charted what worked, what didn't.  I have analyzed what those that make money do versus what those that struggle do. I looked at where I was working, in sales, selling cruises and wondered why the top people stayed there and the middle and lower group stayed where they were.  There were some that moved a little up or down but virtually everyone stayed the same. The interesting thing was during slow periods, or even slow years, everyone seems to adjust equally so the lower sales, just sort of spread across the board. It reminded me of taking a class or seminar and when everyone arrives, they pick a seat and stay there, regardless of the fact seats were unassigned.  Each day the students or attendees would come in and go to the seat they first took or at least the same area.  Have you ever had a situation w...