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Money, it's where you sit, part 2, action step

With each post on this series, I will include a part 2 that has some or several steps to take or an action for you to do before moving on.  Of course you may read the posts after it's over or in the middle but hopefully you read them in order.

You can agree or not that money is based in part, a large part on belief and this will very likely determine if you can improve your financial situation or not.

What I suggest is unless you are happy in your life, achieving your goals, comfortable financially and have no need to improve any area than don't bother with this.  I love the quote "If it aint broke, don't fix it".  On the other hand if you are reading this now, chances are there is at least one area you wish was different and probably at least one area, if you have a few and are like most people, money is one of those.

Before I continue it's important to understand that life never becomes a downhill ride all the time.  Being happy, fulfilled and financially comfortable is where everyone should be however if we were never challenged that would get boring. 

I'll try to not get too woohoo here but there is a force in the universe that is always working for us and through us but most of the time we ignore it.  This force is connected to us through our emotions, including our desires and dreams.  When we feel frustration, sadness (about life not an event) joy, fear, this is the force speaking to us.  When things go wrong, when we have obstacles and setbacks it is this force guiding us, tapping on our shoulder saying;  Hey, change how you are doing this or that or No, don't go down this road, it won't take you where you want to go.

One of the biggest things I have learned is that a problem is not a bad thing.  By believing it's the force helping me I can look at a problem or "failure" or any perceived negative as a message trying to help me.  It may be a pattern of behavior or belief I have.  It could be a habit I need to be aware of I need to break.  It could be staying at a job or in a relationship that isn't right for me.  It may be hard to trust this but if you understand this force is what creates universes, you will begin to trust it knows better.

We all have our own individual "force" that is our guide, mentor, assistant and even magical genie, if we believe in it and listen and than act.

The action step to be taken now is to imagine you have a magical invisible genie available for you.  Take one area where you are not attached to and think of something you wish would happen. 

It can be anything from a song coming on the radio to a parking spot or hearing from someone who out of the blue shows up with an answer or idea you need.

Don't worry too much about if you think it's possible, don't limit yourself because you see things from a perspective that is more narrow.

Ask your magical genie to take care of this for you.  As for a sign that you were heard and it's coming.  I say magical but in reality it's not magic and there aren't any special words needed.  Have fun with this and even if you are unsure or don't believe it, that's okay.  Test it out, even if it's to prove it doesn't work.

Now there is a difference in testing something to prove it works or not to a complete belief it won't work.  One you maybe have a base belief but there is something in you open enough to test it out versus knowing it just won't work.

Do this for something little, something not so important and in a really light hearted way.  Write it down if you like, ask as if you were giving a request to a waiter for your dinner order.

Next go through the list  you made earlier about your current financial and life state.  Pick one aspect and before you go to sleep and anytime through out the day you think of it just imagine it being totally different.  It's a fantasy I know and you aren't trying to create anything by doing this but just enjoy for the time you are imagining the fantasy.

To summarize:

1.  Imagine you have a genie available for you and you have instructions to help you use this magic.  It says welcome to your magic genie, I am happy to be able to help you with all kinds of things.  Since this is the beginning of my service to you in this way I may need sometime to get conditioned and build my muscle.  Ask me to show you something easy or bring something to you easy so I can loosen things up a bit. 
I have the ability to do anything you ask and eventually will be able to but I can only do for you what you want deep inside and what you believe.  I hear your words but I listen to your emotion so keep this in mind. 
The more you use me and see results the stronger I become.  Since I am technically a baby, starting small this way helps me develop into a mighty strong genie.  I am good at finding answers for something you aren't sure about and particularly good at making something or someone show up you wanted but didn't think would.
Remember that my magic is hard to understand so keep your eyes open because I may send you what you want from a place you didn't think would come.  It's my way of building your ability up, making you a mighty receiver.

2.  Take one aspect of your life you wish was different and play with that and create a fantasy around it.  Since this blog centered around money, pick money if that is your biggest area you wish to change.
Be creative and as wild as you can be.  Maybe you are dragged to a yard sale and end up buying a picture that you didn't love but liked it enough, settling for something less since you can't afford a expensive piece.  Now, imagine you see a show on t.v., flipping through channels and you stop on that channel because you were distracted by something else.  You look at the screen and see a picture that reminds you of what you just bought.  You look and listen now and realize it is a show about Art and someone just sold this piece on the tv for 10 million dollars.  You get the idea, what if your art was somehow worth something and you investigate it and eventually you find it's worth 50 million.  What will you do with that money?  Specifically think about it.  What fun you will have, what things you will buy and who may you help?  After all of that with money left over, lots of it, what will you do?  What would your life be like?  Day to day what do you do?

I picked the art because it popped in my mind but whatever is fun for you to imagine do that. 
You can be totally wild and crazy and fantasy like.. maybe you found a magic bag of seeds that can grow gold, money, silver, whatever you want it to be.  The point is just have fun with it, it's not real it's just fantasy.

Good luck!!!!!


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